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Photography Festivals

All Photography Festivals Around the World

In this section, you will find a list of photography festivals held around the world. From internationally renowned festivals to emerging local gatherings. These festivals offer a wide variety of styles, approaches, themes, and debates about photography as an expressive and social medium. ​If you wish to make changes or provide additional information, send us an email with the details, as this platform is created by all of us. Together we can enrich this valuable resource for the photography community!

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KAOS Collage Festival

Kranj, Slovenia

Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kranj Foto Fest

Kranj, Slovenia

L’Évènement Photographique

Nancy, France

Lago Photo Fest Alpago

Alpago, Italy

Langhe Photo Festival

Neive, Italy

Les Boutographies

Montpellier, France

Les Photographiques

Le Mans, France

Les Villes Invisibles

Nîmes, France

Karuizawa Fotofest

Karuizawa, Japan

Kochać człowieka Biennale Fotografii

Oświęcim , Poland

Kuusamo Nature Photo Festival

Kuusamo, Finland

La Gacilly Photo Festival

La Gacilly, France

LagosPhoto Festival

Lagos, Nigeria

Festival Mediterráneo de Fotografía y Periodismo

Masnou, España

Les Femmes s'Exposent

Houlgate, France

Les Rencontres d'Arles

Arles, France

Light Leaks Festival


Kassel Fotobook Festival

Kassel, Germany

Kolga Tbilisi Photo Week

Tbilisi, Georgia

Kyoto Graphie

Kyoto, Japan

La Nuu

Rubí, Cataluña, Spain

Lancashire Photography Festival

Lancashie, England

Leipzig Photobook Festival

Leipzig, Germany

Les journées de la photographie à Nantes

Nantes, France

Les Rencontres de la Jeune Photographie Internationale

Niort, France

L'Image Satellite

Niza, France

Katharsis Festival

Barcelona, Spain

Krakow Photomonth

Cracovia, Poland

L’été photographique de Lectoure

Lectoure, France

La Photographie à l'Epau

Yvré-l'Évêque, France

Landskrona Foto

Landskrona, Sweden

Les Balades photographiques de Daoulas

Daoulas, France

Les Nuits Photographiques de Pierrevert

Pierrevert, France

Les Rencontres Image & Environnement

Loir-et-Cher, France

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