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Photography Festivals

All Photography Festivals Around the World

In this section, you will find a list of photography festivals held around the world. From internationally renowned festivals to emerging local gatherings. These festivals offer a wide variety of styles, approaches, themes, and debates about photography as an expressive and social medium. ​If you wish to make changes or provide additional information, send us an email with the details, as this platform is created by all of us. Together we can enrich this valuable resource for the photography community!

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Rolling Paper #5

Paris, France

Rotterdam Photo

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Sanremo Street Photo Festival

San Remo, Italy

Saywa Festival

Cusco, Peru

Semana da Fotografia

Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Silver Eye Book Fair

Pittsburg, United States

Solar Foto Festival

Fortaleza, Brazil


Santiago, Chile

Swiss Photomonth


Rome Photo Lab. International Photography Contest

Rome, Italy

Rovinj Photodays

Rovinj, Croatia

Santa Marta Festival Internacional de Fotografía

Santa Marta, Colombia

Scan Tarragona

Tarragona, Spain

Seminario de Fotografía y Periodismo

Albarracín, Spain

Singapore International Photography Festival


Solo Photography Festival

Surakarta, Indonesia

Stirling Photography Festival

Stirling, Scotland

T3 Photo Asia

Yaesu, Japan


San Petesburgo, Russia

Rybnik Foto Festival

Rybnik, Poland

Sarajevo Photography Festival

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Berliner Fotomesse

Berlin, Germany

Shigaraki Photo Festival

Shigaraki-cho, Japan

SlowExposures Festival

Georgia , United States

SPE Annual Conference

Reno, Nevada, United States

Svet I Tsvet

Yelets, Russia

T3 Photo Festival Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan


Viena, Austria

San José Foto

San José, Uruguay

Savignano Immagini Festival

Savignano sul Rubicone, Italy

Semana da Fotografia

Curitiba, Brazil

Sicilian Photo Festival

Sicily, Italy

Small File Photo Festival

Vancouver, Canada

Split Format
Photography Festival

Split, Croatia

Swarnadwipa International Photo Festival

Padang Panjang, Indonesia

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