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Photography Festivals

All Photography Festivals Around the World

In this section, you will find a list of photography festivals held around the world. From internationally renowned festivals to emerging local gatherings. These festivals offer a wide variety of styles, approaches, themes, and debates about photography as an expressive and social medium. ​If you wish to make changes or provide additional information, send us an email with the details, as this platform is created by all of us. Together we can enrich this valuable resource for the photography community!

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Festival Ascenso

Chacao, Venezuela

Festival Carioca de Fotografia Analógica

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Festival de Fotografía de la Sexta Región

Rancagua, Chile

Festival de la Photo Urbaine de Fabrègues

Fabrègues, France

Festival di Fotografia Arturo Chergo Montefaro

Montefano, Italy

Festival Foto BSB

Brasilia, Brazil

Festival Fotográfico Cámara de Maravillas

Medellín, Colombia

Festival Internacional de Fotografía & Naturaleza

Valdivia, Chile

Festival Asincronie

Sardegna, Italy

Festival Confrontations Photo

Gex, France

Festival de fotografia de Paranapiacaba

Paranapiacaba, Brazil

Festival del Reportage

Ascoli Piceno, Italy

Festival du Regard

Cergy, France

Festival Foto Natur en Argoat

Bignan dans le Morbihan, France

Festival Hercule Florence de Fotografia

Campinas, Brazil

Festival Internacional de Fotografía de Castilla y León

Palencia, Spain

Festival Campos de Luz

Campos do Jordão, Brazil

Festival de Fotografía Analógica Ricardo Martín

Villanueva de la Serena (Badajoz), Spain

Festival de fotografia de São Paulo

São Paulo, Brazil

Festival della Fotografia Italiana

Bibbiena, Italy

Festival FestFoto

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Festival FotoDoc

São Paulo, Brazil

Festival Ile de Ré Photo

Le Bois Plage en Ré, France

Festival Cargo
Photographiques de Saint-Nazaire

Saint-Nazaire, France

Festival de Fotografía da Coruña

Coruña, Spain

Festival de Fotografía Impresa

Córdoba, Argentina

Festival des Chemins de Photos

Franjeaux, France

Festival FOC
Fotografía Observatorio Cultura


Festival Fotografi Kampus

Java, Indonesia

Festival Impulse

Arles, France

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