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Photography Festivals

All Photography Festivals Around the World

In this section, you will find a list of photography festivals held around the world. From internationally renowned festivals to emerging local gatherings. These festivals offer a wide variety of styles, approaches, themes, and debates about photography as an expressive and social medium. ​If you wish to make changes or provide additional information, send us an email with the details, as this platform is created by all of us. Together we can enrich this valuable resource for the photography community!

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Festival Internacional de la Imagen

Manizales, Colombia

Festival Invisibles

Castro del Rio, Spain

Festival Lumen

Rio Negro, Argentina

Festival Mondes en Commun

Boulogne-Billancourt, France

Festival Omid

Mashhad, Iran

Festival Photo Déclic Nature

Blainville-sur-l'Eau, France

Festival Photo Nature et Montagne

Montbonnot-Saint-Martin, France

Festival Photographique l'Image Publique

Rennes & Métropole, France

Festival International de la Photo Animalière et de Nature

Montier-en-der, France

Festival Jaou

Tunis, Tunisia

Festival Mês da Fotografia

Brasília, Brazil

Festival of Ethical Photography

Lodi, Italy

Festival Photo Atout Sud

Rezè, France

Festival Photo du Guilvinec
L'Homme et la Mer

Guilvinec, France

Festival Photo Saint-Pathus

Saint-Pathus, France

Festival Photographique L'oeil Urbain

Corbeil-Essonnes, France

Festival international de mode, de photographie et d'accessoires - Hyères

Hyères, France

Festival La Gacilly-Baden

Baden, Austria

Festival Mirades

Torroella de Montgrí, Spain

Festival of Instant Art

Hannover, Germany

Festival Photo Cholet

Cholet, France

Festival Photo Lagrasse

Lagrasse, France

Festival Photo Things

São Paulo, Brazil

Festival Internazionale della Fotografia Zoagli

Zoagli, Italy

Festival l'Image Publique

Rennes, France

Festival Mitgeres

Valls, Spain

Festival Ojos Rojos

Jávea, Alicante, Spain

Festival Photo de Moncoutant-sur-Sèvre

Moncoutant-sur-Sèvre, France

Festival Photo Martagny

Martangy, France

Festival Photo Vic-sur-Seille

Vic-sur-Seille, France

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